Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hmm....A Stylist for Hire

After engaging in a conversation, with one of my favorite peeps in the industry in these parts, a seed was sown."Why you do such an amazing job of decking it all out from a space to your ensemb' - A Stylist you certainly are". 

Never thinking of such as being just that .. indeed it is so and with that... if there is a need for some signature style to your space, event, or even a get up.... Call on Me for Hire!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bringing the Outdoors In - Garden Style!

Since it is perpetual perciptiation in these parts, I have been inspired to add to my forum of "self-help" inspired decor tips. 
Check out the latest at:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Frankly... I do give a dang!

I just learned today what Plantation Style is.  As for living on the East Coast, like farthest North, and while there are some lovely "Coastal Homes" here, the one thing most lack for me is the romantic and timeless elements that come with Plantation Style.

Plantation's style encompass any and everything from humble cottages to embellished over-the-top structures, as in which they were occupied and matched by just those personalities, back-in-the-day!  The grounds of these homes were kept, their inner core, clean and tidy.  Whether humble or ornate, Plantation style does not require fuss.

What Plantation style does encompass and represents to me, is what I like to see in homes and for elements of design.  Timeless, quality-like, classy and a little juxtaposing of the blast, from the past mixed with the new!

The facades of plantation homes are either adorned with brick or craft fully applied with Stucco.  These structures speak of a time, when there was time for sitting and living in the moment and appreciating the "riches" one possessed. 

Porches were "proper" and were also the outdoor living space of the day.  Lined up were pots of beautiful plants, lush foliage surrounded the porches and dotted the yard; linens were used on outdoor tables for an afternoon tea or a mint julep or lemonade.  Fineities were used, fineities were possessed, whether one was a wealthy landowner or lands worker.

Natural materials were infused into living spaces, even before GREEN was.  Sisal, sea grass and/or animal hides covered beautifully planked or tiled floors and materials for window treatments were light and airy - like that of a gauze type fabric.

True elements of plantation style are that of items such as:  shutters, pineapples, animal prints, shells, nautical paraphernalia, exotic animals.

Where I reside these elements can certainly be tied in with our Coastal Chic Elements and amazingly talented artisans offer; however, the one thing I can say for certain is that in most parts of our society, we purchase items on impulse from "landfill stores" that do not yield to timeless, nor quality.  We do not sit and engage in an afternoon tea, nor do we keep our homes or yards tidy or even consider using our fineities we possess, nor live in the moment - and for this FRANKLY, as a person and designer, I DO GIVE A DANG!