Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Little Holiday Inspiration for Your Table - Compliments of Me!

The Beauty Repurposing

There is NO character in a space filled with massed produced "mitchy/matchy" components or that of inferior quality. The truth hurts in that cheap reproductions will not increase in their value over time or that product made where industries lack stringency in craftsmanship will endure.

Furnishings & Elements of this nature will surely end up in a garbage dump and will further attest to what many think of our American Society as disposable! 

This past September the 150th birthday of my man William Morris was celebrated.  I adhere to his mantra  ("Have Nothing In Your Homes, you find not to be beautiful nor purposeful").

Beauty & Purpose can be accomplished in "repurposing".  Life's Little Luxuries are not as easily attained as in the past and for some, whether on a shoe string budget or totally bored with their  space sorround "repurposing" is the way to go and for these reasons:

With beauty in the eye of the beholder - seek out some inexpensive, quality treasures and "re-birth" upcycle them and make a space within your home as a proud representation of who you are and in that NO ONE else will have anything like yours!
