Spring brings with it renewed energy physically & spiritually. Perhaps it is the BEST time to assess how you feel physically, fashionista-wise & how your home's environment appears.
If you feel physically sluggish and blah-then react on that with some lifestyle changes in the form of nutrition and exercise.
If your home's environment is outdated or even for that matter your wardrobe - then get out the 3 bin system- KEEP/DONATE/TOSS!
Looks for Spring 2013 are, in the industry, anything from what I coin as Jean Harlow meets industrial..with creamy neutrals..nailhead embellishments...whitewash wood frames & burlap..jute..texture with a splash of stainless steel! Check this tidbit out from 2013 Highpoint .... http://irisinteriors.wordpress.com/tag/2013-interior-design-trends/
Like that of Nate Berkus..featured recently past in House Beautiful in action doing a redesign...Why not become your Own House Whisperer or if you can't handle it - hire one. Whether it is a professional organizer, decorator or interior designer. Your home should NOT read "A Home's Appearance speaks of its character - and you should see those that LIVE here" - but rather, be a nurturing, updated, streamlined and timeless space. Now those ARE characters you should want to flaunt!