Thankfully, I am NOT dying, but realize that I have sort of lived a death of sorts, by the things I owned and life I lived.
I like many other Americans, had a big house with a lot of stuff. Meaningless stuff, really. Antiques, lots of bric a brac, rooms filled of furniture, some lovely, some not so. Closets filled with clothes, some current, most old and worn.
While thankful for these things, the one thing they all created was work, bog down. Big time.
After putting my home suburban McMansion like home on a pond, on the market, which sold very quickly, I endured as a result 4 solid months of purging, packing and the like, resulting in missing some of the most beautiful days of summer passing me right by.
At the moment am renting a small cottage in another town nearby, whilst building a smaller home. Here the square footage and charming simplistic possessions allow for a walk with my dog..something not done in the 2 years I have owned her. Here the people have less, here the people smile, here they say hello. Moral of the story, MORE IS NOT BETTER.
When the home is finished, all the boxes of my stuff will arrive for an unpack. I have already made the commitment, before unpacking one box, that half of those will be someone who needs them more or wants them more.
Life can suck the air right out of your lungs, with the busyness of a career, raising your family, maintaining your too large of a home and managing all of your stuff.
Living a simpler life, although temporary due to circumstances, puts perspective on how to really live.
Well said beautiful lady!